funfetti is a petz 4 fan site that i launched on december 10, 2020.

when i was growing up, in the early 2000's, the petz games and online community were a very big part of my life. each day i would run home from school to get on my computer and chat on msn with my petz friends while updating my petz site. over the years i ran four different sites: bone & treatz kennel, lily water kennelz & cattery, carrot lane, and etcetera. this hobby provided me an opportunity to learn a lot of new skills in html, javascript, css, graphic design, content creation, online community building, marketing, and more. i also truly valued the online friendships i made!

fast-forward to almost twenty years later, and all that remained of the petz community was the memories i cherished so deeply. until... one fateful day near the end of 2020 i came across my old dogz 4 cd and decided to try and reinstall it. when looking up some help for it, i stumbled upon rkc petz forum and saw that the petz community was still alive. whoa! i had no idea!

i spent the next two weeks diving into the community, meeting a bunch of old and new friends, and working on my new petz site: funfetti! this is my little nostalgic getaway to help relive one of the best parts of my childhood. i hope you find this site fun, adorable, and relaxing! i'm so happy that i get to continue making memories with one of the best online communities that ever existed. thank you for visiting!