october 6, 2024
new autumnal stripe tabby ow!

[ previous updates ]

june 28, 2024
new pastel stripe tabby ow!

january 14, 2024
crew is now up to date
added my showroom with 60 sgch!
3 new litters under adopt

january 7, 2024
happy new year everyone! ♡
hex archive is now fully revealed + up to date

november 30, 2023
updated my archive with 10 new hexies
added bentley's gpc certificate on his page
new card from gin ♡

november 10, 2023
updated the crew
added some new stamps to my collection

october 18, 2023
new pastel santa hats up for download!

september 23, 2023
new mini maple maus up on the archive
shared a big, adorable babybun card under gallery
lots of new crew members added

august 2, 2023
lots of new additions to the crew!
added a litter of black labs under adopt

july 30, 2023
two new litters are up for adoption!

july 25, 2023
another mottle x sarai litter available

july 5, 2023
new ~mostly~ monochrome cali litter up!

july 3, 2023
new pastel collars available under clothing
sgch dane litter up for adoption

july 2, 2023
new alley litter up for adoption

july 1, 2023
new bred calico litter
tropical coconut milk for download under toyz
a new tropical pillow is available there too!

june 30, 2023
three new bred litters under adopt!

june 25, 2023
new illustration under about bunni
crew has been updated
new cards and stamps are displayed
added my lovely & co. calicos to the hex archive
advent clothes and toy are up for download

january 10, 2023
woooo it's a brand new year!
met my goal; crew and stamps are all up to date!
currently busy running winoly with rho on dg
also prepping for the vday countdown on ww

december 1, 2022
the ww advent has begun! aaa so exciting!!
goal: update crew regularly this month
added all my nodopt stamps to my collection

november 28, 2022
food bowls updated so they don't bounce!

november 22, 2022
no-dopt nov helped me get my crew up to date!
added a few birthday cards from friends ♡
hex archive is now on the main navigation
updated my stamp collection

october 8, 2022
new pumpkin spice latte mug up for download!
new pumpkin pie food bowl up for download!
added stancy as a sister site ♡
15 petz joined the crew
added new graphics to the gallery

september 25, 2022
pastel spot dali ow is up for download!
added new dalis to the crew

september 18, 2022
pastel spot dali litter up for adoption
added some of my old cards from 2002 to gallery!

september 14, 2022
new pastel crown collection up for download!
added a litter of velveteens for adoption
tons of new petz added to the crew
linked alive enough and freefall
added gorgeous art by nebula to bentley's page

july 22, 2022
finally added my hex archive!

july 19, 2022
two new hexed litters up for adoption
updated my stamp collection
added a cute site award i won
lots of new petz joined the crew
don't forget to check out my new playscene!

july 16, 2022
new playscene up for download: cloudland
raffle winner drawn - congrats arie!

june 7, 2022
cheesy food bowl up for download!
added a link to cyborg
four new petz have been added to the crew

june 3, 2022
new litters up for adoption
the sticker raffle is open again!
added a bentley trading card under about
new petz have been added to the crew
updated my stamp collection

may 11, 2022
illustrated some petz-inspired mobile/desktop wallpapers under downloads!

april 27, 2022
added new petz to the crew!
gave crowns to the new sgchs
another page of stamps filled out

april 15, 2022
new velveteen litter up for adoption!
added all my new easter egg hunt stamps
a bunch of new petz joined the crew
lots of new graphics in the gallery
tysm scribble for the site award!

april 5, 2022
sweet pink food bowl up for download!
added 4 new petz to the crew
linked serenity & sardonyx

april 3, 2022
2 new litters up for adoption!
added 4 new petz to the crew
gave crowns to my new sgch
new sister site: scribble ♡

march 29, 2022
4 new litters up for adoption!
new sister site: kathleen ♡
added 2 more pages of stamps

march 22, 2022
added 10 new petz to the crew!

march 20, 2022
happy first day of spring ✿
new toy available: magical soundscape radio!

march 13, 2022
my new butterfly terrarium is up for download!
added a ♛ next to sgch crew members

march 10, 2022
hexed a new golden watering can toy!
put a new cali mixie litter up for adoption
added a few new petz website links
made a brand new gallery page for graphics!
leon & legion from harvest joined our crew

march 7, 2022
added a link to lobb's petz site
updated my stamp collection
sticker raffle winner was drawn - congrats mouse!
added a bunch of new petz to my crew

february 25, 2022
added a cute tamagotchi owner clique
also added a magical clique for sailor moon fans
joined some new cliques
added a new lynxshie from xoops to my crew

february 22, 2022
added three new petz to my crew
filled out another binder page full of stamps
linked a couple new petz sites
joined two new cliques from moonflower
turned this update box into a log!

february 15, 2022
added valentine's day stamps to my collection
updated bentley's page with new pixel art